What happens to faith in God when sons and daughters embrace homosexuality or transgenderism? Find hope in Steve’s testimony about his journey of faith through uncertain times of a same-sex relationship.
Donn Schroeder, Parent Testimony of Transgendered Daughter
Donn sat down for a usual family meeting and his daughter hit him with the announcement of her transexual feelings. Certainly, he was stunned by the announcement but listen to how he responded.
It’s Illogical, it’s Emotional; What’s Driving SSA Behavior?
Steve Goble intensely pursued homosexual relationships in San Francisco. Listen to Steve describe what was driving him into unhealthy relationship with men. It’s not logical but rather emotionally driven. Listen to his amazing testimony of God’s kindness that saved him out of his emotional emptiness.
What Parents Can Do To Facilitate Healing in Their Child
Steve Goble lived homosexually with a gay identity for many years and lived in San Francisco. God would not let him go nor did his parents. Listen to his amazing testimony of God’s kindness to redeem his life. He now resides with his wonderful wife Beverly and is happily married.